You’re age 50+
You have $500,000 (or more) in retirement savings.
But you have questions….
“How do I turn my retirement savings into a paycheck?”
“How can I reduce my taxes in retirement?”
“Are my investments suitable for retirement?”
We walk your through the planning process step-by-step
The initial visit is really about getting to know you. What does your ideal retirement look like? What do you value most? Do you want to travel, or do you prefer to stay home and work in your garden? Everyone’s ideal retirement is different, and our goal is to help you clarify yours.
During this visit, you will also learn about our process and the experience you can expect to have if you choose to partner with our retirement plan consultants.
As part of the initial meeting, we will help you clarify your goals. Retirement planning goes further than where to invest money for retirement. We will discuss your short-term needs and long-term wants as we develop your goals that will guide the planning process.
Once we have clarified your goals, we begin the planning process by gathering relevant documents and information. We will provide you with a link to our Financial Planning questionnaire software so you can easily input the financial information we need to begin drafting your plan.
We will draft your Financial/Retirement plan, which will act as your roadmap to reaching your goals. We consider your time horizon, future income needs, and other information unique to you. There’s no single recipe for retirement success or an overall best investment for retirees. We create a holistic and tailored retirement planning experience customized for your unique situation.
The way your retirement investment options are managed is a vital component to reaching your financial goals. We will go over the different investment management strategies and styles to better align your investments with your overall financial plan during this process.
Once we have finalized the Financial/Retirement and Investment Plan, we will work towards implementation. Our retirement planning services guarantee you’re aware of each step of the plan and approve of it before implementation.
We understand that the future is uncertain, and because neither of us has a crystal ball, your financial plan is designed to be fluid. As your life circumstances change, we need to adapt and change your plan as well. We adjust and optimize where to invest your money for retirement.
If you would like us to create a baseline Retirement Plan at NO COST, click the button below and complete our Retirement Planning Questionnaire. The more complete the questionnaire, the more accurate your Retirement Plan will be.
Having an understanding of important financial and investment concepts can help build confidence when planning for goals and implementing a retirement or investment plan.
Browse our educational material below to learn about important financial, retirement, and investment topics.
If you are planning to retire and would like a complimentary retirement planning meeting just complete the “Schedule a Meeting or Phone Call” form at the bottom of this page and we will walk you through the Retirement Planning process step-by-step.

Retirement Resource Blog
Maximizing Retirement Savings: 5 Reasons Small Business Owners Should Consider a Simple IRA or SEP IRA

The Pros and Cons of naming a CRUT or CRAT as the beneficiary of your IRA upon both spouses death

The benefits of Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA